The Italian band RANDONE is formed around vocalist/guitarist/keyboardplayer NICOLA RANDONE, who is also responsible for writing all the lyrics and music of this CD. He sings as well, together with a female singer Maria Modica, which is quite rare for classic Italian sounding prog, but it sounds very good after all. Anyway, 6 songs are on the RANDONE CD, and it all sounds quite impressive, very typical classic 70s Italo Prog, so nice instrumental work crossed with beautiful vocal melodies. One of the absolute highlights is the 21 minutes counting opening piece “Jill”, which basically offers everything you want to hear in a classy prog piece. The other 5 songs are quite short (except for the wonderful 7 minutes counting “Giulia”), but I think the 40 minutes of playing time are enough for the fan of classic Italo Prog!

Gabor Kleinbloesem, StrutterZine HOLLAND
28 Agosto 2004
1 minuto di lettura

Nicola Randone, alias Art, è Scrittore, musicista compositore, leader della band Randone con all'attivo 7 cd ed 1 dvd LIVE sotto edizione discografica Electromantic Music. Qui pone frammenti di vita, espressioni dell'anima, lamenti del cuore ed improbabili farneticazioni intellettuali.
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Le ultime da Randone

Review from Nino Anastasio (PROGRESSIVE ROCK ’70 – NEW PROG ’80 e oltre)
NICOLA RANDONE – MUSICISTA , COMPOSITORE , CANTANTE E POETA. Non so cosa abbia spinto Nicola Randone ad affrontare un così importante

Didier Gonzalez , Highlands 27
[...] Randone è una delle migliori formazioni italiane... sinfonie grandiose, bellezza dei temi, evoluzioni strumentali eccezionali, senso dell'equilibrio, raffinatezza delle composizion

review from Conor Fynes
It was a very pleasant surpise to see this waiting at my doorstep one day. Having not even heard of the work

Pierre Romainville, Prog Resiste 37
[...] Bref, aujourd’hui je connais Randone, j’ai mis du temps à rentrer dedans, mon jugement est passé de bizarre à adorable, et

Rock CiTy NIghts – Donato Zoppo
Audio intervista di Donato Zoppo a Randone a Rock City Nights in occasione dell’uscita dell’ultimo album Linea di Confine