Due nuove recensioni a Nuvole di ieri e Hybla

25 Gennaio 2006
1 minuto di lettura

Two reviews from Progressor to Nuvole di Ieri and Hybla Act 1. To read absolutely ;)
Vitaly Menshikov wrote: “Having made four excellent albums during the last four years, each of the following ones being better than its predecessor, Randone proves to be one of the most fruitful and creatively successful Art-Rock bands on the contemporary progressive scene. “

Nicola Randone, alias Art, è Scrittore, musicista compositore, leader della band Randone con all'attivo 7 cd ed 1 dvd LIVE sotto edizione discografica Electromantic Music. Qui pone frammenti di vita, espressioni dell'anima, lamenti del cuore ed improbabili farneticazioni intellettuali.

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Randone Official Fan Club

Hello everybody. I’m glad to announce the new official Randone fan club on Facebook… become member by clicking here Ciao a tutti.

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Bianca’s performance in Randone concert is available to download click here to download the DivX video