Gabor Kleinbloesem Editor of Strutter'zine

14 Dicembre 2002
1 minuto di lettura

Out of Italy comes multi-instrumentalist Nicola Randone, who just released his first solo-CD. He did everything on his own and I must say at times it sounds quite impressive. The lyrics are in Italian, so not everyone will understand what Nicola is saying. The music is hard to define, because there are elements of AOR, Pop, Prog and Sympho used. Although the music is very soft in it’s approach, the quality of the songs is stunning, because they are from a very high level. Still I had rather heard some more guitar and a heavier drumsound, but nevertheless I enjoyed listening to such great semi AOR ballads like "L’infinito", "Un cieco", "La giostra" and "Amore Bianco". The production is crystal clear, and the vocal performance is very good, but the album is not for the rockers out there, only recommended if you’re into a softer AOR/Pop/Prog type of style and don’t mind the Italian language… More info at: and e-mail him at: [email protected]

Nicola Randone, alias Art, è Scrittore, musicista compositore, leader della band Randone con all'attivo 7 cd ed 1 dvd LIVE sotto edizione discografica Electromantic Music. Qui pone frammenti di vita, espressioni dell'anima, lamenti del cuore ed improbabili farneticazioni intellettuali.

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